Welcome to Day Three of the seven-day Global Unified Heart Energetic Activation Program “Sound and Vibrational Awareness.”
Today we will explore the fundamental principle that our mystic masters and our quantum physicists agree on–everything is vibration – from the electrons spinning around the nucleus of an atom to the planets in distant galaxies orbiting their suns. The vibrations of sound have the ability to make, shape or rearrange molecular structure. When coupled with intentionality, these sounds can have profound healing potential and literally reshape the very fiber of reality.
With these concepts in mind, we work with the sacred AH sound in this session. The AH is considered in so many different traditions to be the sound of the heart and the sound of love. It is a powerful vibration found in healing traditions worldwide. For the Global Unified Heart Activation on World Sound Healing Day, Feb. 14, we’ll be projecting a sonic valentine to the Earth Mother with our Sound, our Light and our Love.