BIOGRAPHY of JIM OLIVER January 6, 2024 Multi keyboardist Jim Oliver is an Emmy Award winning accomplished musician and composer of more than 3500 hours of transformational self-healing music and a dynamic presenter on a wide variety of programs. Jim began his lifelong musical journey at age 5 when he took his first formal piano lesson. Lessons continued for 9 years. Jim then at age 14 Jim attended The Hartford Conservatory of Music. At 16 he studies at Julius Hartt School of Music and ultimately at 18 he majored in classical organ and also double majored in Music Education at Hartt College of Music. He then spent 8 years on the road performing in show rooms and fine dinner theaters across the US and Canada including at the Las Vegas Hilton and at Harrah’s at Lake Tahoe. In 1981 he intently began his studies and research on the beneficial power of music. Jim has played more than 75,000 hours of music in his lifetime so far including ~ 15,000 hours of live performance and tens of thousands of hours of practice, practice and more practice. Jim brings forth musical and unique combinations of sustained tones, melodic notes and chord progressions that expands one’s consciousness and speaks to your heart and soul. Jim’s music is a beautiful blend of art and science that is immediately deeply engaging and rejuvenating. Debra Poneman says, “Jim Oliver’s music is unlike anything you’ve ever heard before. You don’t listen to this music, you experience it. In fact, every cell of your body experiences it. It creates coherence in your brain and opens you to an influx of light, love and deep peace. I truly believe this music is a technique for spiritual awakening. His music is magical and incredibly healing. I would go to the ends of the earth for Jim Oliver’s music”. Bruce Lipton calls Jim’s music “calming yet intellectually energizing. Your compositions significantly lower EEG vibrations, taking listeners to low alpha and/or theta frequencies. These brain frequencies are perfect for introducing new thoughts into consciousness”. Jim is passionate about helping people self-heal and experience transformation through the power of sound. His music invites the human spirit to remember how awesome and divine it truly is. Jim’s music can help to restore balance and harmony to the body, mind, spirit and emotions and it additionally integrates cellular healing and creates coherence in the field. Each person will have their own unique experience and you will immediately feel the transformative power of Jim’s music. Jim has recently developed Harmonies of Light – a unique, coordinated music and lighting system that “plays” the mathematically related and harmonized colors of the musical notes on his keyboards simultaneously as he plays the music. Jim also integrates live Cymatics into Harmonies of Light which provides a visual image of the bass note’s waveforms in water. Bass is a carrier wave for the higher frequencies. These combined elements offer a refined, expanded, coherent and resonant field for self-healing and self-awareness and full integration of Your True Self – True Freedom – True Liberation. Jim's beautiful and soulful music has been found to encourage self healing for people from all over the world. Jim presented a top rated 12 show series called Music Meditations and Inner Journeys on the World Puja Network. He has played live music at the United Nations Church Center with Croatian healer Braco. He also was invited to a special meditation for world peace in the UN building’s meditation room. His music touches the hearts of people globally. He has created music live and recorded with and for Marci Shimoff, Debra Poneman, Dr. Sue Morter, Rasha (Meditations of Oneness), Kenji Kumara, Pulitzer Prize nominee John Bradshaw, Brugh Joy and many, many others. His unique Live Streaming Music and Light Events attract thousands of people from all over the world. Jim is a popular radio and tele-summit guest on shows with Lisa Garr, Debra Poneman, Kristen Howe, Daniel Gutierrez, Cari Murphy, Sheila Gale, John Burgos, Brenda Pearce, Shefali Burns, Jacklyn Johnston, Judy Anderson, Moncef Afkir and numerous others. Jim’s special gift is to play spontaneous live music from his very well equipped studio, based on the energy and focus of the group present and those that will listen in the future. This is a totally unique and profound experience for the participants. ACTIVITIES The Science of Healing Through Sound and Color with Dr. Bruce Lipton video. Regular presenter of his Harmonies of Light livestream special events for Your Year of Miracles with Marci Shimoff and Dr. Sue Morter and music for Debra Poneman. World Sound Healing Day Harmonies of Light presentations annually since 2020. Jim’s music accompanies numerous presenters such as Debra Poneman, Marci Shimoff, Dr. Sue Morter and Lisa Garr. Guest Presenter and provided live music on site at Kenji Kumara’s The Realms of Possibility, 6-day intensive seminar at Kenyon Ranch, Tubac, AZ. Provided live music on site at Kenji Kumara’s Redesign Your Destiny, 6-day intensive seminar at Kenyon Ranch, Tubac, AZ. Provided live music for The Shift Expo via live streaming from his studio Harmonies of Light - Live Streaming Music Meditations. Jim offers these events for the global community with more than 6000 total participants registered. The Light of Integration Winner of the 2013 Best New Age Music Production at the New Mexico Music Industry Awards. Played live music at the United Nations Church Center Special Event with gazing healer Braco from Croatia. Jim also played live music at Braco Gazing Sessions at the New Yorker Hotel. Jim was the host of the extremely popular and top-rated show Music Meditations and Inner Journeys on World Puja Network 12 show series May thru October 2012. Popular guest presenter on numerous global tele summits and internet radio shows. Provided live music for Marianne Williamson at a presentation in Santa Fe. Provided live music for John Bradshaw (Bradshaw on the Family) at live seminars. Owner, Oliver Music, LLC: Record label, recording studio, music production facility specializing in transformational music and soundtracks for film, television, and video. In Santa Fe, NM. Composer, Musician, Producer & Distributor of more than 70 albums of original music that showcases the versatility of Jim Oliver including: Harmonies of Light - Red Moon Eclipse, The Soul Series Music (5 CDs), The Freedom Series Music (6 CDs), The Light of Integration, Opening The Creative Flow Of You, Living In Heaven On Earth, The Frequencies Of Gratitude, Music Meditations and Inner Journeys (12 CDs), Nourishing Your Nervous System, Making Peace With Fear, Gazing Within, The Gift, Your True Self, Deep Calm, InTouch, Radiant Heart, Harmonic Resonance, Music For Relaxation, Stillness In Motion, The Crystal Star, Santa Fe MoonRise, Restive Woman, Universal Child, Love Dance, Sleepy Angels, One With the Eagle, and Healing Harmonies. Videos on YouTube JimOliverMusic channel; Essence, Starfield, The Mystery of Love and Harmonies of Light Livestreaming Preview Videos. 250,000+ views. Jim Oliver’s music is also featured on more than three hundred recordings by other artists and organizations. Owner, Oliver Audio Video, LLC: Audio Video / screening rooms and recording studios; design, sales, and installation. Sound Design and Electronic Studio Consultation, custom surround sound and video systems, recording studio development, music system design for medical applications. Commercial music tracks and soundtracks for various agencies and corporations including US West and Jones Intercable. TELEVISION, RADIO AND VIDEO Host and producer of Music Meditations and Inner Journeys on World Puja Network - 12 show series. A top-rated show at World Puja. EMMY AWARD WINNER for the soundtrack of Life in the Stress Lane. Produced by WFTV ABC, a one hour program featuring William Shatner and ABC news medical editor Dr. Timothy Johnson. Soundtrack for Mother O’Keefe 60 minute film chronicling the life and art of Georgia O’Keefe. Selected for showing at the 2005 Santa Fe Film Festival and the 2005 Silver City Film Festival where it won an honorable mention. Between Diet and Death 60 minute television show special that explored the dangers of eating disorders produced by WFTV ABC, original soundtrack by Jim Oliver. NM Music Industry Coalition - MIC Award winner Stillness in Motion Best New Age recording ADDY Award Winner music soundtrack for "ALIVE AGAIN: America's Oldest Film Location, Las Vegas, New Mexico!" Dragonquest 50 minute video about sacred sites of ancient England, original soundtrack by Jim Oliver. Emmy Award Nomination for soundtrack for Ships of the Sky. Sixty minute television show about airships past and present, produced by WFTV ABC, original soundtrack by Jim Oliver. Inductee into The Television Hall of Fame – NYC, excellence in television production for his soundtrack to Life in the Stress Lane. The Crystal Star Video. 30 minutes of visual meditation composed with exquisite crystals, laser colors, prismatic slow motion waterfalls, and innovative lighting effects. San Nicolas Island A 30 minute video featuring master aquatic videographer Don Gilbert’s exquisite underwater footage with Jim Oliver’s beautiful soundtrack. Family Baggage - Musical Score for Live Theater and Video Play about dysfunctional families. Jim scored the music for the live performances, played music live at theater performances in numerous locations around the US and wrote and performed the score for the two-hour long video. LIVE PERFORMANCE/ORIGINAL COMPOSITIONS Creator of more than 3,500 hours of therapeutic, transformational, self-healing music. Jim has played more than 70,000 hours of music in his lifetime so far. Live music for Dr. Kenji Kumara - The Realms of Possibility, 6 day seminar - Tubac, AZ. 13 Activations with spontaneous, live original music by Jim Oliver Live music for Dr. Kenji Kumara - Redesign Your Destiny, 6 day seminar - Tubac, AZ. Live music for Gazing Sessions with Braco from Croatia in Albuquerque, NM for 2 days. Live music for Dr. Kenji Kumara Attunements, 2 day seminar Santa Fe, NM. Live music for Vladimir Kush world renowned surrealist metaphorical artist and Picasso Award Winner for Best Painter Santa Fe gallery opening and reception. Live music for Adyashanti’s wife Mukti at a 2-day seminar in Santa Fe, NM. Live music for Marianne Williamson Special Event in Santa Fe, NM Composer in Residence Sundance Institute, Jim was a composer and studio engineer in this pilot project with Robert Redford, 32 ballet dancers from Ballet West, 6 composers and 6 choreographers. Live music for Brugh Joy Seminars - Music for Psycles of Spirit conference at Asilomar Retreat Center B CA for 5 days. Live music for John Bradshaw Seminars – Pulitzer Prize nominee John Bradshaw is known for Bradshaw on: The Family and The Homecoming. Musical performer at numerous seminars. Music is the Medicine of the Soul Seminars with Dr. Tony Rippo, MD. Presenter and performer. Synphonics - Demonstrations and Lectures Founder of a process that uses specific frequencies and sound waveforms in conjunction with chord progressions, modulations, melodies harmonies and rhythms to support physical, mental and spiritual aspects of healing including seminars and performances at Arizona State University Music Therapy Department, and Desert Samaritan Hospital. More than 1000 custom sessions done for individuals. Divine Unity Seminars Featured performer at 2 week long seminars in Spiazzi and Terminillo, Italy; Waikoloa, Hawaii; San Diego; Santa Fe; Denver; Sarasota; Missoula and Whitefish, Montana; Sugarloaf, Maine; and the Kripalu Yoga Center, Lennox, Massachusetts. Jim’s spontaneous musical accompaniment for the guided meditation processes often went for 3 hours non stop. American Massage Therapy Association National conventions - Exhibitor in Chicago, Philadelphia, Nashville, Park City, Albuquerque, and P alm Springs. Jim was a featured performer and presenter at many of the AMTA conventions. American Music Therapy Association National convention in St. Louis. Presenter and concert performance. Seminar on Sound and Healing New Mexico Academy of Massage and Advanced Healing Arts, Santa Fe, NM. International Sound Colloquium Loveland, CO - Seminar presenter and featured concert performance. School of Energy Mastery With Robert Jaffe, Sedona, AZ and Santa Fe, NM. Musical performances and spontaneous accompaniment at these 2 and 3 weeklong seminars. Peaceful Spirit Tribal Substance Abuse Center Ignacio, CO. Presenter and performer. O'Baby Child Development Convention Sponsored by Rose Hospital, Denver, CO. Presenter and performer. Anatriptic Arts Expo (Touch Therapy) San Francisco, CA. Presenter and performer. California Massage Therapy Association National Convention, Irvine, CA. - Presenter and performer. American Oriental Bodywork and Therapy Association, Scottsdale, AZ. Society and the Future of Computing Sponsored by Los Alamos National Laboratory, held in Durango, CO. Presenter and performer. MUSIC DIRECTOR AND TEACHING Music Director Wilson Learning Corp, Interactive Technology Group, Santa Fe, NM. Production, composition and performance of soundtracks for interactive video laser disc products. Created method of blending elements of whole brain learning, hemisphere synchronization and Holophonics (recording with Holophonics pioneer Hugo Zucarelli) into a cohesive soundtrack to enhance the project and maximize retention of learned information. Music Director Church of Religious Science, Santa Fe, NM. Organist/Choir Director United Methodist Church, Kensington, CT. Conducted adult, teen, and youth choirs and played organ and piano for all church services. Music teacher St. Mary's School and private instruction, Newington, CT. Music appreciation, choir, music theory piano, popular and classical organ. Assistant Organist/Choir Director St. Mary's Church, Newington, CT. Director, Folk Mass Group twenty five member guitar and singing group. Church and television performances. STUDIO WORK Composer/Pianist / Multi keyboards Commercial jingles for Robb Walsh Advertising, pianist for nationally touring recording artist, Gypsy. Producer and Recording Engineer, Composer, Collaborator 500+ projects. TOURING Multi Keyboards/Arranger The Rick and Joey Show, Las Vegas, NV. Tour of the United States and Canada. Performances at The Las Vegas Hilton, Harrah’s Lake Tahoe, NV and the Playboy Club Great Gorge, N.J. (42 U.S. states and Canada traveled in total). The Jim Oliver Trio Nightclub tour of the Northeast U.S. Connecticut Area nightclub and dinner theater performances beginning in 1966 at age 14. OTHER RECORDINGS AND ACTIVITIES Principal Synthesist The Santa Fe Symphony Orchestra - Performed on synthesizer for a concert of film music conducted by Fred Steiner (Perry Mason Theme, Bonanza, Twilight Zone, Star Trek, Rocky and Bullwinkle). Guest performance by Academy Award winner Dave Grusin. NM Music Industry Coalition Award - The Light of Integration Best New Age Music Production NM Music Industry Coalition Award Stillness in Motion Best New Age Music Production DISCOGRAPHY Multi-Disc Packaged sets: Dissolving the Illusion of Lack package. The Freedom Series Music, The Abundance of Freedom, Residing in Love, The Freedom of Your Higher Self, The Connectedness of Freedom, the Freedom To Be, The Blessings Of Freedom, The Miracle You Are and Your Invitation to Freedom. The Celestial Music of the Soul Series Music Soul Heart Merge, Soul Mind Fusion, Souljoy, Soul Dream, and Galactic Soul (Live streaming Music Meditation). Music Meditations and Inner Journeys B 12 hours of new music, discussion and guided meditations with original music from 12 top-rated World Puja Network shows. Transformational Healing Music Volume One – 10 disc set – 10 hours of music. Jim Oliver Video Soundtracks: Essence, Starfield, The Mystery of Love on Jim Oliver’s YouTube channel 280,000+ views. Harmonies of Light livestreams, CDs, DVDs and MP3s: Harmonies of Light - World Sound Healing Day 2024 Harmonies of Light - World Sound Healing Day 2023 Harmonies of Light - World Sound Healing Day 2022 Harmonies of Light - World Sound Healing Day 2021 Harmonies of Light - Relax and Rejuvenate 10-10-20 Harmonies of Light - Reverence for the Light You Are 3-29-20 Harmonies of Light - The Healing Power of Love 2-15-20 Harmonies of Light - Winter Solstice 2019 Harmonies of Light - Abundance and Harvest Full Moon 2019 Harmonies of Light - Initiating Action From the Higher Frequencies 1-26-19 Harmonies of Light - Standing Your Ground with Fluidity Winter Solstice 2018 Harmonies of Light - Autumnal Equinox 2018 Harmonies of Light - The Receptive Heart, Lion’s Gate 8-8-18 Harmonies of Light - Summer Solstice; The Power of Alignment 6-21-18 Harmonies of Light - Calming and Riding the Chaos 5-21-18 Harmonies of Light - SuperMoon Total Eclipse 1-31-18 Harmonies of Light – Red Moon Eclipse – livestreamed, 50-minute CD, MP3 and DVD Music Meditation Livestreams Galactic Soul – Livestreamed, 50-minute CD, MP3 and DVD The Miracle You Are, 54-minute CD & MP3 Opening the Creative Flow of You – Livestreamed, 50-minute CD, MP3 & DVD Living in Heaven On Earth – Livestreamed, 50-minute CD, MP3 and DVD The Frequencies of Gratitude – Livestreaming 50-minute CD, MP3 & DVD ADDITIONAL MUSIC RECORDINGS Core Power CD & MP3 Your True Self CD & MP3 The Light of Integration 45-minute CD & MP3 New Mexico Music Awards winner. Music for Relief from Parkinson’s Disease 30-minute CD Deep Calm CD & MP3 Music for The Meditations of Oneness with best-selling author of Oneness Rasha. Nourishing Your Nervous System 45-minute CD & MP3. Making Peace with Fear 45-minute CD & MP3 Gazing Within 45-minute CD & MP3 In Touch 60-minute CD & MP3 Radiant Heart 60-minute CD & MP3 Harmonic Resonance 60-minute CD & MP3 Named in the top 10 Spiritual Music Playlist in Michael Gelb’s bestselling book – Davinci Decoded Healing Harmonies Backgound and Foreground 2 ea. 60-minute CDs & MP3s White Eagle/Life Impressions Music Meditation Series. Stardate 3.9.91/Insight Music Meditation Series. Moldavite 1 & 2 Music Meditation Series. Stillness in Motion, Balance/Harmony. 60-minute tape & CD for Walden Books and B. Dalton (Art of Relaxation Series). 60-minute CD & MP3 Music for Relaxation – Reflection / Shawntana's Peace B 60-minute tape & CD for Walden Books and B. Dalton (Art of Relaxation Series). 60-minute CD & MP3 Love Dance – 60-minute CD & MP3 Piano Meditation 60-minute CD & MP3 Sleepy Angels 60-minute CD & MP3 The Crystal Star/ Santa Fe MoonRise 60-minute CD & MP3 One With The Eagle 60 minute CD & MP3 Faces Of Neptune 2 ea. 45-minute CDs & MP3 Restive Woman / Universal Child 2 ea. 45-minute CDs & MP3s   FORMAL EDUCATION 1973 - 1974 Central Connecticut State College, New Britain, CT. Major: Business Administration. 1971 - 1973 Hartt College of Music, University of Hartford, West Hartford, CT. Majored in Applied Organ Performance - Liturgical/Classical Organ, and Music Education - Orchestration. 1970 - 1971 Julius Hartt School of Music, West Hartford, CT – classical organ, classical piano and music theory. 1968 - 1970 Hartford Conservatory of Music, Hartford, CT - popular organ study 1965 - 1968 Popular and classical organ and piano. 1957 - 1970 Private piano study MEMBERSHIPS AND AFFILIATIONS Board Member for 8 years 2003 2011, Warehouse 21, Santa Fe Teen Arts and Music Center. Helped raise $3 million dollars funding for a new 19,000 square foot teen art and music center. Along with his son Jacy, Jim designed and installed 2 high-quality sound systems in the rock concert hall and black box theater. ALSO Jim’s wonderful studio includes: ~ 21 keyboards; synthesizers, soft synths, digital samplers, several vintage Moog analog keyboard synthesizers, Moog Taurus 1 & 3 bass pedals, classic Hammond B3 organ w/Leslie 122 speaker, Korg Kronos 88, Korg Triton Pro, Korg 01W Pro, 2- Yamaha KX88 MIDI master keyboards , Akai Advance 25 and 49 keyboards, Roland Super Jupiter and Programmer, Roland D110, Akai S3000 and S1000 samplers, Roland PK6 bass pedals with Moog MiniTaur sound module, Arp/Solina String Ensemble, Moog Etherwave Theremin, “unlimited” tracks of MIDI and digital audio recording, digital audio editing, comprehensive mix automation, SMPTE time code sync, CD and DVD/A surround mixing and mastering, and CD & DVD burning. Jim’s studio also features his one-of-a-kind Harmonies of Light system that shines the mathematically/harmonically related colors of the notes he plays on the keyboards with live Cymatics for the deepest immersion into the music, color and experiencing your true self. A pilot since 1976, Jim has “stick-time” in dozens of aircraft including: vintage Cessna 170 and 185, 172, 182 RG, Pitts Aerobatic Special, Giles 202 Acro, Citabria Acro, Decathelon Acro, Stearman, Yak, twin engine Cessna 421 Golden Eagle, and twin engine prop jet Cessna 425 Conquest. Yes, Jim loves to fly. He is a former mission pilot with the Civil Air Patrol, flying search and rescue missions, disaster relief missions and working with CAP cadets.

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