17th Annual
FEBRUARY 14, 2019
The most important co-creator of World Sound Healing day is–YOU! If you are planning on hosting a World Sound Healing Day event or toning group, please post your name, event location & time, and any other contact details you would like to share in the thread below so that other people in your area can join in and participate!
As a special gift to everyone hosting an event, we are offering a free download of an hour long recording of the AH tone. This recording may be played to help set the sonic space at any gathering you may be leading, or enhance any personal meditation. After you post your event, we will email you the download link directly.
To share your event, enter your information in the last “Leave A Reply” section below.
If your event is open to the public, feel free to add the address and your contact info
(Please Note: All listings must be approved by a moderator before posting. Your event information will appear within 24 hours.)
Event in Sedona AZ
World Sound Healing Day Celebration 2019 Sedona
February 14, 2019 at 7pm
Unity of Sedona – 65 Deer Trail Drive, Sedona AZ
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/562006290801766/
World Sound Healing Event to be held at Align Mind Body and Soul Mandurah
with Jo and Steph
World Sound Healing….. 14 February 2019 at 12 noon
Align Mind Body Soul
Western Australia
Just being Mandurah -Facebook Page
Aumkar Sound Journey
Novi Sad, Hotel Park Spa
World Sound Healing Day at facebook:
11.00-12.00 Local time (Denmark)
Thank You for this <3
I am Manju, conducting Sound Healing Session on Individuals & group. It’s with great pleasure and gratitude I am sharing my free event here, on World Sound Healing Day on, 14 February 2019
Address: Olanza
Nungambakkam, Chennai
Tamil Nadu – India
Please email on: archangelg9@gmail.com for registration confirmations
Hi, we will host the event here in Karachi Pakistan, kindly contact , at my email
Change your frequencies and everything will be changed.
March 23 2019
Trieste – Italy Frequencies Congress organised by Krisztina Nemeth Healing Voice
I will be hosting a world sound healing event on this day
Dear Team of the World Sound Healing Day,
I will organise an event via FB Pia Brand heart tuned singer http://www.facebook.com/PiaBrand.HeartTunedSinger and will invite people in my network and that of the Stichting De Witte Boog (Foundation White Bow) http://www.facebook.com/stichtingdewitteboog people to join us at this special event together with you!
The foundation offers there space for free, so do I… we hope to gather many beautiful people who will join us… I will make a FB page today and on my website.
Do you need more information?
Best wishes, Pia
It’s an honor to host a small group on this special day of World Sound Healing 🙏
Feb. 14, 2019
17th Annual World Sound Healing Day in Boulder, CO
New Location — The Avalon Ballroom 6185 Arapahoe, Boulder, CO Join Andi & Jonathan Goldman and Friends for a FREE toning ceremony and send a Sonic Valentine to Mother Earth as we tone the “Ah” sound together for planetary peace. Come celebrate “The Sound Heard Around the World”— from 5:00 – 6:00 PM at The Avalon Ballroom (6185 Arapahoe, Boulder, CO) Click Here for More Information: World Sound Healing Day Info
Awaken Sound Health in Chester, NJ is hosting two World Sound Healing Day events. These are FREE events given in loving service.
12 – 1 pm: Awaken Sound Health, 32 Grove Street, Chester, NJ
Five minutes of toning “Ah” followed by guided meditations with Basia Alexander and Jim Conroy, Phd., from The Institute of Cooperative BioBalance, ending in a soulful sound meditation.
7 – 9 pm: The Field House at Grove Street Park, Chester, NJ
Five minutes of toning “Ah” followed by guided meditations with Basia Alexander and Jim Conroy, Phd., from The Institute of Cooperative BioBalance, ending in a soulful sound meditation. This event culminates in a joyful celebration of planetary life and healing through Dances of Universal Peace led by Andre Bernard.
https://www.awakensoundhealth.com to register for an event.
Event in Austin, TX
World Sound Healing Day with Line of Fire & Friends
Feb 14, 2019 – 9 pm to Midnight
Carousel Lounge – 1110 East 52nd St., Austin TX 78723
Yeast by Sweet Beast Fest presents World Sound Healing Day with metal/ funk/ space rockers Line of Fire and friends at 9 pm Thurs Feb 14th at the lovely and historic Carousel Lounge! Make joyful sounds with us! Heal the planet!
Qi Chanting on World Sound Healing Day Event in Totnes, UK
Thursday 14th February 1.30 – 3.00pm at Angel Gallery, South Street, Totnes TQ9 5DZ, UK
Be nourished and energised by meditation, Qigong movement and sound and resonate with other groups and individuals around the world to tone for sounding our unique truth, positive energy and healing in ourselves, communities and planet…
Email Jeanne for payment details and information: jamshire@madasafish.com
At noon, in Missoula, MT, I will be surrounding Gaia with Reiki and Bkue healing energy. I deep meditation, I will be toning the AH vibration. Anyone who wishes to join is more than welcome. All faiths. All beliefs. All One. Namaste 🙏🕉
We will host a Sound healing chant and meditation on Thursday 14th Feb at 9A Edward St Shepparton, Victoria, Australia. Open to the public, all welcome.
The sound healing chant mentioned in previous reply is at 7.30pm at 9A Edward St in Shepparton… Lisa
I will be hosting @ Infinity Spiritual Centre @ 481 Angelsea Street Hamilton NZ
How can I fond out if anyone is hosting in my area? Woodstock Ga 30188
I will be hosting a World Sound Healing event in Northeastern Ohio
at Mettaflows Yoga Therapy & Art Studio in Avon Lake, Ohio
I will be hosting a world sound healing day!
please kindly send the link to germany!
Noon Valentines Day is good for me.
On Feb 14th at Noon–I will be leading a group in the “AH” with a pod of dolphins attending in Spirit, telepathically for the healing of the oceans specifically, de-polluting all water, and for all the earth and the world’s people in general.
This will include a Reiki transmission as well. Blessings and Much Love to all, Anda
In Los Angeles, California
Anda – Please send me details of your event when they become available. I live in Pasadena, CA. Thanks! Blessings, Alcyone
I will be hosting a world sound healing day event at Tibshelf Derbyshire UK
Will definitely be in the New Orleans area, noon CST, participating.
hello,i will be hosting event:FEEL MORE THAN FINE with the intention to raise vibrational frequency of body mind spirit in a vegan restaurant.
I will be doing chi dance flow on your music and play dance music on 432Hz for our dance floor meditation.
This event happens at Veganation,in Antwerp,Belgium.
Thank you and Blessings of Peace,Bliss,Love and Joy with ease and grace.
Sound Healing India celebrates “World Sound Healing Day”
On the occasion of World Sound Healing Day, I would like to invite all my fellow Sound Enthusiasts to join me in celebrating Sounds and spreading love & compassion through Sounds ~ A small step towards Global Harmonization.
– Step in by 10:45am to settle down with your names registered
– We shall begin at sharp 11:00am
– 11:00 – 12:00 – Sound Bath
– 12:00 – 1:00 – Matreka Chanting (protocol based)
– 1:00 onwards – refreshments and wave a good bye
Venue – Thriive, Parel, Mumbai, India
Date – 14 February 2019
Time – 11am – 1pm
Best Regards,
Priyanka 💫
Placerville, CA
I will be hosting an event at Holistic Serenity, Southend on Sea Essex, UK. A Crystal & Himalayan singing bowl event 2pm – 3.30pm
The Healing Arts Center in St. Louis, MO will be joining in!
Reiki circle with sound healing
38 Farrah Lane
Wenatchee WA
Private residence. Please contact/comment below for more info/directions.
I will be hosting an event for World Sound Healing Day. Feb 14 2019. Canada
Please send sound link.
Thank you
I will participate from Hamburg, Germany
Rootfinder will be hosting a Zoom-Event
14th Feb
7 pm
Big Bear Noesis IONS Community Group in Big Bear Lake, California is happy to be hosting a World Sound Healing Event On Feb. 14 at 7:00 PM. More information at https://www.meetup.com/Big-Bear-Noesis-IONS-Community-Group/
We will host World Sound Healing Day Toning with Gong Bath in Knoxville, TN from 11:45am-12:45 pm EST. The event will be at the Knoxville Kundalini Yoga Center, 4216 Sutherland Ave, Knoxville, TN 37919. Participants may come for the whole hour or may stop in and tone for a few minutes as their schedule allows.
5:00 pm
February 14, 2019
World. Sound Healing event
Sharing the beauty of sound with intention of healing for all interested
Healing Garden
9550 Riverview Drive
Micco, Florida 32976
daniel zongrone
Hola, me sumaré con mi familia al día de la sanación del planeta. Gracias!
World Sound Healing Day
High Frequency Loft, 1335 Gusdorf, Taos
January 14th, 3-4 PM
World Sound Healing Day event
Thursday 14.2.2019
18:00 – 20:00
Lohja Finland
We will be participating! Public welcome.
High Mesa Healing Center
133 Mader Lane
Alto, New Mexico
Restorative Yoga followed by Gong Immersion and AUM chanting
6 – 7.30 pm
Greenbank Sports Academy
Rathbone Room
Greenbank Lane
Come join us at noon on Feb 14 at Healthy Alternatives Wellness Center for World Sound Healing day. To sound “AH” for 5 minutes followed by the vibration of the singing bowls.
Experience the vibratory effect as we sound together for Global Harmonization, planetary peace and healing.
We will help create positive shift and change for our planet on World Sound Healing Day.
Facilitated by Carol Morissette, Certified Sound Healer.
The purpose of World Sound Healing Day is to:
1). Heal Our Planet!
2). Heal Our Waters!
3). Raise Our Consciousness!
Please arrive by 11:45.
Thur Feb 14
400 Embury Rd, Rochester, NY 14625
RSVP http://www.meetup.com/Rochester-Friends-Who-Meditate/ or 663-6454
WORLD SOUND HEALING DAY, free event hosted by Health Flows (Kelowna) at Waterfront Park (near Island Stage), Kelowna, BC, Canada, February 14th 2019, 11:45am -12:05pm
Together we will prepare by listening to singing bowls and chimes to send a sonic Valentine with the energy of love and compassion to our Mother Earth an her waters. Around the globe thousands will do the same while toning the sound of “AH”. If you can’t join us in person, maybe you would like to join us remotely from 12:00noon to 12:05pm?
I am hosting a world sound healing event in my city Medellin, Colombia 🇨🇴
The patients who reside in the Secure Psychiatric Unit at the Men’s Prison in Concord, NH participated in this event last year during their lock in time. I will ask those who wish to participate to join their voices with the rest of the participants throughout the world. I will go to each of the tiers where they are locked in their cells and we will raise our voices together. It was important to know that their voices were joined with so many others.
DATE: February 14th
TIME: 12 Noon
COST: Free
Come Heal our planet, Raise Our consciousness. Become A Sonic Co-Creator.
Jonathan Goldman has created a world wide event for each one to sound “AH” for 5 minutes at 12 noon around the world. The intention is to create healing by sound projected with the energy of compassion and love. A sonic valentine to Mother Earth and All.
Margaret Claire will be available after this to give sessions of Toning, Messages of The Mothers and Angels, bring phone to record session.
RESERVATION: Phyllis Bucci at 215 367 5380.
PLACE: Holistic Apothecary, 15 N. Ridge Ave., Ambler, PA 19002
Additional information contact: margaretclairern@yahoo.com, payment
Come celebrate Love
The Andaran Genesis Spiral -World Sound Healing Day –
Toning and Messages of The Mothers and Angels
Presented by: Deb McComas and Margaret Claire Jacobs
Additional information: MargaretClaireRN@yahoo.com
DATE: February 14th
TIME: 7:15 PM to 8:30 PM
PLACE: The Wellness Co-Op
41East Oakland Ave., Doylestown, Pa, 18901(side entrance)
CONTACT: 215 287-2920 to register for additional information, payment and to register, limited space
World Sound Healing Day
@ The Grove Studio
I am so excited to be able to support and promote once again the magical
World Sound Healing Day on February 14th, 2019
together with family, friends, clients, students – InnerSeaYoga
Thank you everyone from Healing Sounds, specially Jonathan Goldman
Holistic Apothecary-Celebrates World Sound Healing Day
February 14 th at 12 noon,
15 North Ridge Ave, Ambler, Pa, 19002
215 367 5380
Toning, Sounding “AH” for 5 min, Crystal singer bowls
Margaret Claire Jacobs will give channeled Messages from The Mothers, & Angels for anyone interested after group
margaretclairern@yahoo.com for information, cost
Chiang Mai Thailand
Feb 14 at 11:30 am
Meet in Nong Buak Hard Public Park https://goo.gl/maps/k6tQEpJoXxk
Contact me for a specific location in the park
Bring something to sit on.
Look forward to extending the circle of love from Thailand with you all.
Estoy feliz de unirme al DIA MUNDIAL DEL SONIDO SANADOR
ORGANIZO EN MADRID e invito a todos los madrileños a unirnos el dia 14 de febrero a entonar el sonido AH y unirnos al mundo entero para que llegue la maravillosa vibración del sonido desde cada corazón al corazón del mundo.
En Madrid la celebración será en SABADO 16 DE FEBRERO DE 2019 A LAS 18:00 HR, PARA UNA MEDITACIÓN DE SONIDO SANADOR . Haremos un circulo de sonido al que están invitados todos y todas, mayores y pequeños.
EL LUGAR: EN MADRID Calle SANTA ANA 6 METRO LATINA, A LAS 18:00 HR traed ropa cómoda y calcetines. Estaremos meditando al menos una hora con el sonido.
We will hold a toning group at Tutu’s House in Waimea HI
Join us to raise your voice in group sounding for the highest good of all.
This is a community event and all are welcome
Feb 9th from 2pm to 4pm
Tutu’s House 64-1032 Mamalahoa Hwy, Kamuela, HI 96743
Greece also host this event,near the Loutraki city,at Eutopia land art meditation project.
It’s free to participate and you are all welcome 🙏
RESTORE Wellness – World Sound Healing Day
Date: Feb. 14, 2019
Time: 11:30 am
Place: RESTORE Wellness office, Crozet VA
RSVP at http://meetu.ps/e/GkpLR/dP13F/f
We will celebrate The World Sound Healing Day with a 5 mins chanting @Tulum Ruins next to the Sea …
Please give me details for world sound healing day in Shasta. THANK YOU
Jacqueline Hamilton
Montague, Ca
Jyoti Stuart
February 14th 10:45am Toning, Sounding “AH” for 15 minutes
Come Heal our planet, Raise Our consciousness. Become A Sonic Co-Creator.
Jonathan Goldman has created a world wide event.
The intention is to create healing by sound projected with the energy of compassion and love.
A sonic valentine to Mother Earth and All.
Location: Contact Jyoti for details 310-924-9223
World Sound Healing, Middletown DE USA
12 Noon Eastern time
Join us in sound to heal the planet.
I’m hosting event Raceland, Louisiana
Crown to Root Reiki and Energy Center
Feb 14, from noon on
Open to public, please let me know if you are attending so I can be prepared for numbers. Find my page on fb RacelandReiki for details as event approaches. Or email crowntorootthearpy@gmail.com
Together we can accomplish much 💜
World Sound Healing Day / Valentine’s Day DidgeConnect Session at Satori Sounds
Time: 6.30pm
Cost: $55 per person
Where: Satori Sounds – Willow Pond, 459 Nicholson Road, Canning Vale, Western Australia.
Bookings: https://echoesgong.com.au/bookings/valentines-day-world-sound-healing-day-didgeconnect-630pm-14th-february
To share the love this Valentine’s Day which is also World Sound Healing Day we are holding a very special DidgeConnect Session focusing on the intent of LOVE!
This will be a session filled with the vibration of LOVE that we will share with not only each other but also send out to the world. We will connect with other Sound and Light Workers of the world on this very special day!
Everyone is welcome to attend this session to share the LOVE!
Our DidgeConnect Session takes the foundation of a Pure Gong Session, interweaves didgeridoo throughout to raise the vibrations and to call upon your spirit. The combination of gongs and didgeridoo brings together the East with the West, harnessing Earth and Universal Energy.
During this session two team members will work with three crystal singing bowls and three gongs alongside our traditional indigenous didge player. The session begins with a guided Qi Gong circular breathing incorporating aromatherapy followed by gentle stretching/relaxing of muscles and organs to loosen tension that you are carrying in your body. As you relax you will be ready to bathe in the depth of gong and didgeridoo sounds/vibrations that will massage, soothe as well as cleanse every cell in your body. The cleansing vibrations of the gongs will en-train your physical body and mind, our sustained harmonies will carry you into a “time of no time”, a timeless place of deep peace where your body will allow itself to heal as the didgeridoo calls, your spirit will soar!
The combined vibrations of gongs and didgeridoo add another dimension to your depth of peace; these are the sounds of the ancients employed by them to empower wellness.
You will be balanced, aligned and rejuvenated from this experience.
All Satori Sounds Sessions are delivered in our dedicated and purpose built Sound Chamber (maximum capacity is 14 people). Our Sound Chamber is climate controlled, we provide all pillows, bolsters, snuggle rugs, water and there is a restaurant/cafe on the premises.
We suggest to allow two hours for this session.
We will also be spending the afternoon at Brightwater (a residential care facility for people with acquired brain injuries) providing the residents with our monthly Sound and Vibrational Therapy Session. We will be sharing the love with the residents as we all send love vibrations to the world for Global Healing.
Come join us for a wonderful evening filled with LOVE!
Satori Sounds shares World Sound Healing Day with two special events. The first being our monthly Sound and Vibrational Therapy Session at Brightwater (a residential care facility for people living with acquired brain injuries) where we will be sharing the love with the residents as we send our vibration of love to the world.
We will also be holding a very special session in the evening to continue sharing the love!
When: 6.30pm 14th February
In honour of the World Sound Healing Day on Feb 14, 2019:
Inspired to create a video of musical notes and cymatic patterns with the intention of healing.
Informed known music groups in Auckland(NZ)/India about the World Sound Healing Day 2019 event.
World Sound Healing Day at the Korogonas Ark Community (by the House of Light Hellas) in South Lakonia, Peloponnese, Greece
For further details visit:
and/or contaxct us: *30 210 5616300 mobile: *30 6934 777489
World Sound Healing Day – free event
February 14, 2019 at 12 am
Location : Romania
Thursday, Feb 14th
Singing and chanting “AH” at noon with a sound journey of singing bowls, hapi drum, vocals and more to follow.
Co-led by Liz Myers & Sita Rose
Private home in San Diego, CA
*This will be aired as a Facebook Live Event*
To join in, go to Liz Myers Life page at 11:44am: https://www.facebook.com/lizmyersmindfulnessguru/
OR to Sita Rose FB page at 11:44am: https://www.facebook.com/laura.r.anderson
Join thousands throughout the planet for the 17th Annual (2nd one at BMS) WORLD SOUND HEALING DAY on Thursday, February 14, 2019. At 11 AM.
sound forth for 5 minutes with the “AH”, created and projected with the energy of compassion and love, sending a sonic valentine to Gaia, our Mother Earth.
The purpose of World Sound Healing Day is to:
1). Heal Our Planet!
2). Heal Our Waters!
3). Raise Our Consciousness!
At this event we will:
– Start with an Energy Circle
– Briefly explain how this event will be taking place world wide at the same time
– Set intentions for the planet
– Chant the “AH” sound along with a Crystal Bowl tuned to the Heart Chakra and 432 HZ frequency. (Sound forth for 5 minutes with the “AH”, created and projected with the energy of compassion and love, sending a sonic valentine to Gaia, our Mother Earth).
– End with another Energy Circle
For Information and/or to reserve your place, please call Body Mind and Soul at 713-993-0550
We will be hosting in bhopal, India. Planning a big gathering.
World Sound Healing Day
14 February 2019 at 7.00pm
Location: Launching Place, Victoria, Australlia
Enquiries: patricia@innerhealthcentre.com.au
World Sound Healing Day – February 14th, 12.00 noon
Come and join us at Sol Calero on Folkestone beach, Kent. UK
January 29, 2019 at 10:36 am
World Sound Healing Day – February 14th, 12.00 noon
Come and join us at Bendigo Victoria Australia
Email for more information myhealth@mentoronline.com.au
Celebración del Día mundial del Sonido Sanador: Amor por Gaia y más allá.
En Casa Nadanta Iris, Bogotá, Colombia (111711)
7 Pm
Meditación Grupal- Inscripción Previa
Amor por Gaia Celebración del Día mundial del Sonido Sanador
En Casa Nadanta Iris, Bogotá, Colombia (111711)
7 Pm
Meditación Grupal- Inscripción Previa
Celebración el día mundial del sonido Sanador el día 14 de Febrero a las 7 pm
En Casa Nadanta Iris: Bogotá, Colombia (111711)
Información: WhatApp: 3202350615 /Mail: elyramirezsuarez@gmail.com
Integrated Wellness Solutions
I will be hosting the International Sound Healing Day Sonic Valentine in London Ontario
RSVP by email to attend
Valerie Wills
In Dubai, Marko Zigon and I will be hosting an All Night Gonging Session. We intend to chant then.
World Sound Healing Day – February 14th, 12.00 noon
Please join us at baroque church St. Cäcilia in 56648 Saffig, Germany
I will be hosting an event with chanting “AH” accompanied by crystal bowls at 11:45-12:15 at Green Square Center in Glendale, WI on February 14.
17ème Journée Mondiale de Guérison par le Son – Besançon (France)
14 février 2019 à partir de 11h45
Adresse : TaKaíria Soins Reiki – 14 rue des Chaprais – 25000 Besançon
Sur inscription : florence.dussaussay(at)takairia.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/357045924891376/
World Sound Healing Day
Date: Thursday, February 14, 2019
Time: 20:00-22:00
Location: Groei Room, Bala Yoga, Trompstraat 1, 1271 SX, Huizen, The Netherlands
Fee: 20 Euros at the door
if registered and paid in advance18 Euros.
Limited place for only 20 people. Please register by email: goncagurses@gmail.com
The event will include:
*Group toning to balance our chakras and energy field. (Sound Healing Meditation)
*Become one in compassion & love by sending this energy to our Mother
*Sound Bath (Sound journey: Channelled singing and playing instruments: E.g. Shaman Drum, Chrystal singing bowls, Himalayan singing bowls, Native American Flutes, Koshi Chimes, Tuning Forks, Shruti Box, etc.) Lie down and let the frequencies work on you. Silence the mind and ego, synchronize with the subtle energies…
The purpose of World Sound Healing Day is to:
1) Heal Our Planet!
2) Heal Our Waters!
3) Raise Our Consciousness!
We heal our planet and we heal ourselves.
We heal ourselves and we heal our planet.
Please dress comfortably sitting clothes with socks to keep you warm and comfy during the session and bring a bottle of water. Tea, coffee and some chocolate will be available as refreshments. Doors open at 20:00.
The event will be in English (If needed translated in Dutch too).
In Harmony,
Gonca Gürses van Herpen
instagram: @ggurses
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gvanherpen
World Sound Healing Day
Date: Thursday, February 14, 2019
Time: 20:00-22:00
Location: Groei Room, Bala Yoga, Trompstraat 1, 1271 SX, Huizen, The Netherlands
Fee: 20 Euros at the door
if registered and paid in advance18 Euros.
Limited place for only 20 people. Please register by email: goncagurses@gmail.com
The event will include:
*Group toning to balance our chakras and energy field. (Sound Healing Meditation)
*Become one in compassion & love by sending this energy to our Mother
*Sound Bath (Sound journey: Channelled singing and playing instruments: E.g. Shaman Drum, Chrystal singing bowls, Himalayan singing bowls, Native American Flutes, Koshi Chimes, Tuning Forks, Shruti Box, etc.) Lie down and let the frequencies work on you. Silence the mind and ego, synchronize with the subtle energies…
The purpose of World Sound Healing Day is to:
1) Heal Our Planet!
2) Heal Our Waters!
3) Raise Our Consciousness!
We heal our planet and we heal ourselves.
We heal ourselves and we heal our planet.
Please dress comfortably sitting clothes with socks to keep you warm and comfy during the session and bring a bottle of water. Tea, coffee and some chocolate will be available as refreshments. Doors open at 20:00.
The event will be in English (If needed translated in Dutch too).
In Harmony,
Gonca Gürses van Herpen
instagram: @ggurses
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gvanherpen
Dia Mundial da Cura do Som – 14 de Fevereiro, 12 h, local: Portugal
We participate in World Sound Healing Day
in 2606 Norden, Germany. Come to Brummelkamp 15 at 11:30 am to join our sounding circle at 12 noon.
For more information contact
Ingrun Masanek
Celebrating world sound healing day in BHOPAL Madhya Pradesh India with 1000 people together with singing bowls and gongs.
Come and join me – either in person in Greenwich Park, London, SE10, or online in this zoom room (https://zoom.us/j/350982956) as I stream from there for a midday sounding.
We will start by sounding ‘HAh’ for the heart for five minutes – as is happening all over the world at midday in each time zone – and then move in to open sounding for 10-15 minutes.
I will be there in any weather, unless there is torrential rain, in which case I will be online only just click the link above and it should take you in to the room – you may need to download the free app.
Fill out the registration form so I can keep you updated https://yourwholevoice.com/events/
I Will sing the AH at noon in Montpellier France with friends to which I send your message to join me 🙏
Thank you 🙏
I will be hosting a small gathering on Salt Spring Island, BC.
Feb.14, from 1 – 2 pm
RSVP by email to attend.
I will be hosting the sound healing day on February 14,
Please contact me for further information. 🙏🦋
Gong bath at Srbia,Novi Sad holistic Raduj se,everybady are welcome,for more informacion see facebook Raduj se
I am looking forward to anyone near Saskatoon or Blaine Lake who would like to join me. Please give me a call and we can give you our land location.
We live near Blaine Lake, Sask.
Celebrate World Sound Healing Day in St. Stephen, NB, Canada
You are invited to join us in St. Stephen, on Feb. 14 th at 7 pm at The Holistic Wellness Center, 89 Prince William Street. Our program will include a meditation and an introduction to two of the new services available at the Center- Jesse Dunfield “Present Moments Meditation” and Dana Planetta “Wellness Rhythms Sound Therapy”
This is a free event and an opportunity in which YOU can partake in to assist Global Harmonization–the process of creating harmony and peace on the Earth. We do have limited space so please message to register to hold your spot. event is listed on facebook @WellnessRhythmsSoundTherapy
Please join us at the Temple of Goddess Spirituality, dedicated to Sekhmet in Cactus Springs, Nevada at noon February 14th to participate in World Sound Healing Day.
The Temple is located 40 miles north of Las Vegas, Nevada (3 miles north of Indian Springs) about 200 feet off High 95.
Coming from Las Vegas, you will see the Temple on the left as you approach Cactus Springs.
For more information please call 702-569-0630
Celebrating The World Sound Healing Day with YogaNidra followed by the healing sounds of the Gongs, singing and chrystal bowls, drums etc Then we tune in together with the heartsound aaaah (((💚)))
We start with YogaNidra at 5.30 pm followed with the Gongs etc
Tuning aaah at 7 pm
BEAS Gong Yoga
Järngatan 2
In good vibrations & PEACE
Beatrice 💚🙏
This will be Our 17th world sound healing Day event.
Please join us on Feb. 14 @11:30
42 Daleview Cres.
Fonthill, Ontario
RSVP 905-892-3698
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Progressive Spiritualist Church
2201 E 54th St
Thursday 2/14/19
World Sound Healing Day “AH’ will be part of our monthly Manifesting for the World meditation.
ALL are welcome
gather 6:30 p.m./ brief sharing/doors will be locked at 6:45
At noon, Thursday, February 14th, World Sound Healing Day, Mindfulness Movement Music LLC, and you, as we would be honored to have you join us, will be connecting with people worldwide to sound together for five minutes in order send love and compassion to our planet. Feel your symbiotic loving vibrational connection to our Mother Earth while sounding “Ah” generating peace and compassion.
Please arrive 15 minutes early as we will start together at noon. Please preregister on the website, https://www.mindfulnessmovementmusic.com.
Afterward, in the spirit of love, connection and giving, join us for a sound bath meditation here in our Toms River location.
Admission is free with either a food item to be donated to a local animal shelter or the Ocean County Foodbank. Bring a mat and blanket if you would like to lie down for this.
In Dubai, an All Night Gonging Meditation Session will be held by Marko Zigon and Zarine Dadachanji on the 14th of February, beginning with the “ah” chanting.
I will be running a virtual gathering on this Facebook page – The Worldwide Bank of Happiness. https://www.facebook.com/GoingtheExtraSmile/
To take part please add your name in the comments and use 12 noon local time. I will share the recording via the post on the morning of February 14th. Namaste
SoundHealer Toni Ton
I will celebrate the AH in the Parc of the Cascine Florence at 16:45 is the gathering and at 16:59 for 5 min. se will sing all togheter.
Florence Parco delle Cascine (Firenze)
Hi, we will celebrate World Sound Healing Day in St. Petersburg, Russia!
Place: «F-studio» space.
Adress: 15 Konstantina Zaslonova street, St. Petersburg, Russia
Start at 7pm.
Please join Eileen Toth, Healing Artisan at Float Haven Health Spa, 110 North Woodbury Road, Pitman, NJ at 11am for listening to World Sound Healing Radio 2019 Global Harmonization Special and at Noon a FREE toning ceremony and Sonic Valentine to Mother Earth as we tone the “Ah” sound together for planetary peace. Due to limited space please register to hold your spot. Event is listed on facebook page @HealingArtisan
Herbs & Arts is proud to sponsor World Sound Healing Day in Denver at 3:30 on February 14th. We will gather at the Circus Collective (2041 Lawrence St. Denver, CO 80205 ) to join thousands throughout the planet for the 17th Annual WORLD SOUND HEALING DAY. Our intention is to project the energies of compassion and love, enhancing the vibratory effect as we sound together for Global Harmonization, planetary peace and healing, sending a sonic valentine to Gaia, our Mother Earth.
Please visit http://www.worldsoundhealingday.org/ for more information.
I am holding an event at the Clonakilty Community Garden, West Cork, Ireland 11.45-12.30 on 14th February. All are welcome. Contact Claire on 087 2323 623 for further information.
Hello World!
We are very excited to host a WSHD celebration, followed by Yin Yoga and a Sound Bath in Dubrovnik, Croatia, at 6 PM CET.
Love is all we need <3
Estoy feliz de unirme al DIA MUNDIAL DEL SONIDO SANADOR
ORGANIZO EN MADRID e invito a todos los madrileños a unirnos el dia 14 de febrero a entonar el sonido AH y unirnos al mundo entero para que llegue la maravillosa vibración del sonido desde cada corazón al corazón del mundo.
En Madrid la celebración será en SABADO 16 DE FEBRERO DE 2019 A LAS 18:00 HR, PARA UNA MEDITACIÓN DE SONIDO SANADOR . Haremos un circulo de sonido al que están invitados todos y todas, mayores y pequeños.
EL LUGAR: EN MADRID Calle SANTA ANA 6 METRO LATINA, A LAS 18:00 HR traed ropa cómoda y calcetines. Estaremos meditando al menos una hora con el sonido.
Heart Sound A toning Switzerland, Visp at noon.❤️
14.2.2019 at 12.00
We will gather at 11:45am on Thurs., 2/14/19
68 Mountain St., Eureka Springs, AR in the Sanctuary.
What a great thing to do on Valentine’s Day.
This years event, at Heart of Many Ways, will be co-facilitated by:
Rebekah Clark (Toning) and Amrit Knaus (Earth Prayer)
Wellington New Zealand
Botanic Gardens – The fountain at the Lady Norward Rose Garden*
Gather 11.45
12pm Sound AH
Evento privado entre amigos. Amenizado con sonidos de cuencos
Desde Tampico Tamaulipas
enviando Energía de Amor para la Madre Tierra.
Jueves 14 de Febrero, 12 medio dia <3
Terapeuta Aide Avila – Master Reiki, Sonidoterapia.
Sonido Ah! Para sanar a nuestra querida Madre Tierra!
Atizapan, Mexico
14 de febrero 2019
8 pm
Unidos atraves de Ah!!! Con todo el mundo!
Meet at 11 am in the Center for Peace Gift shop. At 11:30 we will gather in the Peace Sound Chamber and begin by chanting the sounds for the directions. At noon we will chant “AH”. We will be creating a temporary Crystal Grid for this ceremony. You are encouraged to bring heart-shaped stones. You may also bring other stones or crystals.
For more information, please contact the Facilitator: Teresa McKee 865-755-0778
Center For Peace
880 Graves Delozier Rd, Seymour, Tennessee 37865
(865) 428-3070
Facillitaor: Teresa McKee 865-755-0778
Lima, Febrero 14, 7:30 pm.
Encantados nos unimos a las celebraciones del World Sound Healing Day con la entonación del sonido AH para buscar la armonización del planeta enviando amor y compasión a nuestra Madre Tierra y luego tendremos una bella sesión de SoundBath o Baño de Sonidos con los sonidos sanadores de los cuencos tibetanos.
Informes al whatsapp 997524987 y en el enlace al evento en Facebook y en el perfil @guillermopatriau
Namaste! 🙏🏽
14 feb 2019 11:00
Natalia Sazanova
tel +380501825328
Celebrating WSHD with
Heart song and meditation
All are welcome to join Anne Bourne in this gathering of like minded souls to connect to spirit using the power of the voice in meditation.
This will take place from 7pm-8.30pm in , Somerset.
Everybody is invited to bring some food to share afterwards.
If you are interested, please contact
Anne on 07939 134390 for more information.
Many Blessings,
Chris Rials-Seitz will be co-creating with all of you on February 14th for World Sound Healing day. We wil be on the remote and limitless sound wave.
A las 12 hs nos juntaremos en el Jardín Botánico de Montevideo.
Join us to celebrate, manifest and empower World Sound Healing Day – February 14th, 7pm – at the Park Beach Reserve, Coffs Harbour, by the beautiful ocean inlet. Merge your focused intentions for peace and unity on Mother Earth, alongside your unique and transformative sound and light vibrations, with those of your human family around the globe in 30 minutes of simple vocal toning of the heart opening ‘Ah’ and other spontaneous vowels, accompanied by crystal singing bowls, meditative monochord, and more. . Or simply relax, rest and absorb the healing sounds. We may then merge into 30 mins of shamanic drumming to further release your healing work and carry waves of peace through the multi-dimensions. So if you feel inclined, bring your drums, shakers, rattles, eggs and dancing feet. Our starting time will coincide with the early hours of World Sound Healing Day in the United Sates, where sound pioneer Jonathon Goldman will inspire many such gatherings and energetic collaborations throughout the day.
Portland Victoria Australia World Sound Healing Day Event
You’re invited to Sonic Harmony to join millions around the planet in a collective toning of our heart vibration for our Mother Earth and all of her beings.
The event will include group toning and a passive sound bath afterward to infuse, integrate, and embrace the love being sent.
Learn about & experience the therapeutic benefits Sound has on our physical, mental & emotional well-being
Hello dear sonic tribe,
We’re organizing the following event in Doha Qatar with our local meditation group.
Feb 14th, 7pm at BioBil Tower in West Bay (Apt 1105).
Please contact me, Daniel Matallana, if you’d like to join, celebrate and raise our vibration: +974 33286827
Thank you to all the amazing healers, visionaries and lightworkers who are co-creating this brave new world. Let’s rise up and shine bright!
Big love and many blessings from the desert!
We will begin our celebration with gonging to open our hearts. We will then join others around the world in sending the healing energy of love and compassion by toning “AH” sending gratitude, harmony and peace to Mother Earth and all her inhabitants.
Date: Feb. 14 2019.
Time: 7 PM- 8:30 PM
Place: 920 Jackson St Apt S
Fort Wayne Ind
We are holding a Special Sound Journey as part of the World Sound Healing Day
at Bodhi Tree Yoga Resort in Nosara, Costa Rica
On this Special Day we will start with a guided meditation and tone with our voices for a few minutes to connect and link with others in the world who are doing and gathering for the same: toning for the healing of the Planet, purification of our Waters, raising our collective Consciousness and praying for World Peace.
During this event, we will have crystals to charge our collective prayer and we ask for your favor to bring one back to Nature.
From here on…we will go into a Sound Journey for about 60 min..
World Sound Healing Day Events around the Nation.
Love. This Life. Together.™
I would like to participate in this event. I am a teacher living in Niamey, Niger. I teach school at the International school here. I hope to encourage folks teaching at this school to come to my classroom at noon to participate in world healing.
Suzanne Hunt
WORLD SOUND HEALING DAY Sunday 17th Feb 2019 11am until 4pm – Only £10 (including light vegan lunch) Join sound healers John Hofton and Janet Farnell in the energy of love & compassion as we send a sonic valentine to Gaia, our Mother Earth along the powerful ley lines that run through the Monastery’s sacred site.
To book your place visit http://www.brownpapertickets.com
Join the Franconia Community Church of Christ on February 14th at 5:30 to participate in World Sound Healing Day.
Estaremos celebrando el
el 14 de febrero a las 12pm
En el parque TANGAMANGA 1
(Arcos Gran tunal /primer estacionamiento a la izq. entrando porr chapultepec)
Slp, MÉxico
Seran 10 min de meditación con el sonido AH.
I am having an event at my home at noon to tone for five minutes. Then I will play crystal singing bowls.
Matiz Wellness Center
Please come and join us to be a Sonic Harmonizer this Thursday February 14 at 11:00 am.
Our intention is to project the energies of compassion and love, enhancing the vibratory effect as we sound together for Global Harmonization, planetary peace and healing, sending a sonic valentine to Gaia, our Mother Earth.
Please visit http://www.worldsoundhealingday.org/ for more information.
Bienvenidos y bienvenidas a Sitges (Barcelona) para celebrar el World Sound Healing Day. En “La Casetta de la Alquimia”, entre Sitges y Sant Pere de RIbes. Se acompaña el evento de un Concierto de Cuencos Tibetanos a cargo de Óscar, de QdeCuenco Terapia de Sonido (www.QdeCuenco.es). La actividad acabará con una Meditación libre, en silencio.
Os dejamos un enlace con toda la información.
Welcome to Sitges (Barcelona) to celebrate the World Sound Healing Day. In “La Casetta de la Alquimia”, between Sitges and Sant Pere de Ribes. There will take place a Tibetan Bowls Concert, by Óscar, of QdeCuenco (www.QdeCuenco.es). After taht, we will finish all the event with a free meditation time. We leave a link in order to inform more.
World Sound Healing Day Event for the 3rd Year at
Wellness Essentials/Soul Love Sound and Healing
2947 Four Seasons
Fort Madison, Iowa 52627
I am hosting a Workd Sound Healing Day on the Sunshine Coast in Australia. This is my link. https://www.facebook.com/events/224288811826450/?ti=ia
The event is on 14th February at Coolum Hearts Centre. $20 exchange.
Thank you.
Celebrate World Sound Healing Day with Katrina Durocher. FB live from Sage and Stone Earth Dome https://m.facebook.com/groups/348309212597238?ref=share we will begin at 11:30am pacific time, with a gentle heart opening yoga practice, followed by a short sound bath and then at noon we will send our song of love and compassion to Mother Earth
A heart filled welcome to share a sound spa with crystal singing bowls followed by the global sounding of ‘AH’ at 12 noon where we join other sound healers around the globe in a complete wave of AH extending around the earth.
10.45am arrival for 11am Sound Spa, followed by the global to ing at 12noon.
Donation for Sound Spa, but the Global Harmo isaton has no charge.
Please call or text in advance to assure a spot.
Vanessa Beckitt At Innerji Sound and Massage, set in Grampians Paradise Camping Ground, 443 Long Gully Road, Pomonal, 3381, Victoria, Australia. Phone 0429799848or email innerjisoundandmassage@gmail.com
Join our Centennial, CO group at the Taylors’ home at 11:30am on February 14th. We will experience crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, Gong and our sacred voices to support the Ah – Ha of the heart presence and to assist in our World Sound Healing. Feel free to stay to the live radio show at 1:pm Mountain time. Bring water and munchies to sustain yourself and host will provide more. RSVP to attend. Aurelia 303.771.5622
join us for this journey into the sound and movement..
fromthe meditation to movement, from silence to sound.
inspiredby nature, elements, rhythmic waves of embodiment, expression,
healing and celebration.
date :14 – 16 feb 2019
Venue: sound temple, thiruvanamalai, india
spend life changing 3 days in serene nature of the thivanamalai
pickup point: In front of the RAMANA MAHARISHI TEMPLE
Tent & meals provided
contribution: Rs. 9000
contact us to book your space :+91 9943644757 (balu)
World Sound Healing And Body Ascension Breathwork Ceremony
Inner Peace Yoga Studio
Dawson creek, BC
Feb 14 2019
*this class is full*
I will be at the beach by the bandstand in Bognor Regis UK at midday on 14th feb if anyone would like to join me x
Kristin Joy
Sterling Heights, Michigan
I will be hosting a sound celebration at my office from 11 am until Noon!!
Please rsvp by Wednesday evening!
Kristin Joy
I am hosting a Sound Celebration at my home office in Sterling Heights, MI
Please rsvp by Wednesday evening.
Blessed to be part of this mass conciousness sound healing. We ll start at 3.30 on 14th Feb with sound spa n group sound healing meditation with tibetan singing bowls at 4pm at Anannd Utsav, Law Garden, Ahmedabad , India.
All are wellcone. Your presence is contribution. ( though one can contribute willingly whtever their heart calls for)
World sound healing day : Sonic Valentine for the Earth . This year is the 17th in a row to sound together and create harmony and peace .
Butterfly Circles
Geertskouter 18
1730 Asse
From 7pm till 9pm
At 12PM EST (9AM PST) on February 14, to synchronize with the Goldman’s local group, InnerSense will set up an online group voice recording for anyone who wants to become part of an amazing new group experience utilizing a state of the art quantum biofeedback technology called the Portacle. Participants simply have to log in and begin chanting along with the rest of the world. This is being done by individuals or groups. We’ll record this chant for 5 minutes at that time and make the visual matrices and aural renderings available on our website and to anyone who requests it by personal download. For more information about the Portacle, please visit http://www.theportacle.com. To log on and join the world grid go to:
http://zoom.us/j/212507163 and enter the password Psiometric
Please refrain from talking our having loud sounds in your environment to keep this recording as clear as possible.
To request access to the download, please contact info@vibrasound.com.
Nancy Hopps- Eugene, Oregon – Alcehemical Crystal Singing Bowls, Toning, Guided Meditation/Activation. Nancy Hopps.com/upcoming events 💜🙏🏼
(Hi Jonathan & Andi!)
Hola me gustaría participar …..Para el día…14…Día Mundial de la Sanación…. Amor…paz…compasion…..
Hola. De dónde sos?
💞🌈 14 Febbraio 2019 – ore 21.00
Via Verdi 9 a Torino (Cavallerizza Reale)
Telefono 335.1048719
💞🌈 BAGNO DI GONG, Sound Healing
con Pablo Domingo Berghin Rosè e Maria Pia Di Domenico
💞🌈 dedicato a chi ama e si ama
💞🌈 dedicato a chi cerca la pace
💞🌈 dedicato a chi ha bisogno di aiuto
💞🌈 dedicato alla Madre Terra
💞🌈 dedicato a tutti nel mondo
Thank you.
14 Febbraio 2019 – ore 21.00
Via Giuseppe Verdi 9 – Torino (Cavallerizza Reale)
Telefono 335.1048719
💞🌈 BAGNO DI GONG, Sound Healing
con Pablo Domingo Berghin Rosè e Maria Pia Di Domenico
💞🌈 Durante la serata canteremo Mantra di Luce, di Pace e di Amore
💞🌈 Pratiche sciamaniche di purificazione
💞🌈 Respirazione con Rilassamento guidato
💞🌈 Rituali di buon augurio con il Quarzo rosa, la pietra dell’amore
💞🌈 Dedicato a chi ama e si ama
💞🌈 Dedicato a chi cerca la pace
💞🌈 Dedicato a chi ha bisogno di aiuto
💞🌈 Dedicato alla Madre Terra
💞🌈 Dedicato a tutti gli esseri del mondo, senzienti e non
💞🌈 Dedicato ai 4 elementi, aria, acqua, terra e fuoco
Mail: soundmeditationschool@gmail.com
Pagina Fb: Sound Meditation School
World sound healing event in Grover Beach Ca
Details on 111vibe website
The Celtic School of Sound Healing, Dublin, Ireland, is hosting a free sound evening for World Sound Healing Day. Email through the website for details. Limited spaces available. Love and blessings to the Earth Ahhhhhhh <3
Odessa Ukraine will join the global sounding at the World sound healing day!
VIA luserna di Rorà 16
Torino – Italy
Bagno di gong ore 21:00
Al termine degustazione di cioccolata a cura di “Messer Cioccolato”
Info e prenotazioni 3343018572
Fb: https://www.facebook.com/bagnigongtorino/
I will be joining friends on February 14th, at 12 noon, in Recife, Brazil, with friends for a period of intonation of the Sound Ah for the healing of ou Mother Earth.
I’m happy to tell the world about a Sound Meditation I’m offering in Mission, British Columbia, Canada.
I will offer the transformative sounds of crystal bowls, flute, drums, monochord, and voice. I will be sounding the ahhh to open and take us into the heart opening to guide us into the inner journey of magic and mystery. I feel so connected to the world as I wrote this.
So much gratitude and blessings to all
Celebrate rebirth of the New Earth with an Emergent Emerald Heart gong journey on Sat 16th February for World Sound Healing Day at the Calderdale Yoga Centre, Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire 7-8.30pm. Trains from Manchester, Leeds and York regularly. Cost £10
Source Vibrations & NOA|AON
Celebrating World Sound Healing Day with Vocal Toning, Sound Meditation, Trance & Dance
Feb 14th @ 7PM
6078 Olde Stage Rd.
Boulder CO
Details available at
Je chanterai avec d’autres pour le coeur, la terre la conscience ce jeudi de 20 à 21h00
We will be chanting & meditating on World Sound Healing Day tomorrow, Thursday 14th Feb 2019, at 11h45 in Frankfurt/Germany. All welcome to join in.
Kundalini Yogazentrum Frankfurt/Bornheim
Heidestrasse 51
60385 Frankfurt, Germany
Let’s vibrate the cosmos, give mother earth a sonic hug and send rays of healing across the globe.
I am hosting an event from 6:30-8pm, at 16 Lakeside Lane, Denver CO. The event is posted on my Facebook page-
Come sound the heart “Ah” for a personal & planetary Cosmic Valentine gift to Mother Earth from 1pm in Dervish Bookstore, 7 Aungier Street, Dublin 2. All welcome. Write your wish for love for yourself & your loved ones. We will blend these wishes with holy well water from St Brigid’s Well in Kildare & offer it to cleanse & uplift the waters of the river Liffey in Dublin city.
I would love to host this DIVINE DAY. Please send me a link.
World tone healing event by Syracuse Light Work group at seven pm in the Onondaga Free Library. Closed to public.
Music from the heart of the World.
Today in the sacred city of India in Auroville we will play music with people of different nationalities who live here.
Music is the main language on earth.
Svaram Centre, Auroville, India
Much Peace,Love,Healing and Happiness to you all…….this song comes to mind ( and heart ) amongst others at this beautiful time….
CAN YOU FEEL IT !!!!! “……
Quote : Can you feel it . The Jacksons.
https://www.facebook.com/events/254074198805494/?ti=as Montevideo – Uruguay
Group in Sawyers Valley in Western Australia is meeting soon in the name of peace, harmony & love for all <3 Sending connection to the world wide web of unity consciousness!
Ezzo sound . Kiev. Ukraine
Just when I thought Feb 14 is just Valentine’s Day…
Margot Boerma Sound Healing Meditation.
14 February Valentines Day. 6pm.
Saob’S Orchard. Flintfield. Faha. Killarney.
13 yrs. In a row. Let’s Sound together.
Cape Canaveral Florida, 11am EST I’ll be playing my heart chakra bowl in solidarity. Private event Namaste
Hosting Divine Sound healing with my intention group for the world and as a gift to Mother Earth. We are blessed beyond measure and graciously share in this reciprocity of spirit.
World sound healing Sound Yoga “Resound your Essence” by Desperte Sound Healing at 5:30 p.m. in São Paulo, SP, Brazil at our studio.
We will be hosting a Worldwide Sound Healing event Friday Feb 15, 2019 : http://raganiworld.com/gig. Join us in Milwaukee for the live event or online for the live professional broadcast: http://raganiworld.com/livestream_ragani_worldwide. Open to the public.
Join friends via Zoom today at noon Eastern Standard Time (eastern zone, USA) for this World Sound Healing Day event!
Gobierno Mundial de La Luz Cristo Cacique.
Somos un portal de La Luz Cristica anclada en el
pueblo de Guatape, Antioquia Colombia en Sur America.
Como una sola voz, un solo aliento, un solo latido, una sola energía, vibración y conciencia de Puro Amor Divino, unimos nuestro hilo dorado del corazón al hilo dorado del corazón de todo hombre mujer y niño participando en esta acción de luz, en el Sagrado instante del ahora en este día para la sanacion de la Pachamama y toda Su vida. En perfecta alineación con el Plan Divino de PadreMadre Vida.
Para más información contáctanos en:
3192846025 en Colombia
(386) 237-7330 in USA (English and Español)
Live Being U
Katrina Hunter RN, BSN
Houston, Tx 77505
Event held at 3pm Central time
I’m in Castle Rock Colorado, this is exciting being with you all today. I’m just going from place to place to find internet that has good vibes. You are all beyond Awesome beyond words for doing what you do.
Hello, greetings 🙌✨✨💖✨🙌
I am Iriam, conducting groups of healing energy. It’s with great pleasure and gratitude I am sharing this free event here, on World Sound Healing Day on, 14 February 2019
Online: Live Facebook Iriam Damas Terapias Integrativas, to join just goes to @iriamdamas on Facebook at 11:00
It would be on online translation to Portuguese from the event in English.
Please email on: iriam.cris@gmail.com for informations.
à midi je serai avec vous
Join the day of healing sound!
Project “Shambala” from Kiev.
Join the day of healing sound!
Project “Shambala” from Kiev.
All together now ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Vickie Dodd and I (Joule L’Adara) are hosting an online celebration for World Sound Healing Day Tonight at 8pm EST!
Join us online for free: https://worldsoundhealingday-vickiedodd.eventbrite.com
xoxo to Jonatan, Andi, Joshua & the greater Sound Family!