18th Annual
Dear World Sound Healing Day Friends:
Once a year on February 14 (Valentine’s Day), this extraordinary event of planetary healing, World Sound Healing Day, is co-created by all of us with many hundreds of events taking place throughout our planet and many thousands joining in. It is indeed a blessing and we give thanks!
Every year we receive requests by people who ask how they can contribute to World Sound Healing Day. Our answer has always been that simply by taking part in this event on any level that feels right for them, they are contributing to it and that is all that matter. That is still true.
This year the idea was presented to us to offer a special World Sound Healing Day donation program which would assist in creating greater awareness and participation of this event-creating great benefit for our planet and ourselves. Please see the link at the bottom of the page to donate via Paypal.
Recently, Jonathan Goldman completed a 70-minute video created by renowned European film director Carlotta Mastrojanni. Called “Personal and Planetary Healing Sounds“, this video has yet to be released. Since a majority of the film focuses on the power of sound to create global shift and change, we thought that World Sound Healing Day would be the perfect time to do a pre-release of this video for our donation program.
Donors will be emailed a special link and password that will allow access to be among the first to see “ Personal and Planetary Healing Sounds“.
Please know that every year, we give free recordings such as the “Global Ah” for those who are sponsoring events. And we will do so again this year. But if you would like to assist even more, we ask that you go to the “contribute” button on our website. There you will be guided on how to donate to World Sound Healing Day and view Jonathan’s new video in exchange. Whatever contributions we receive for this will, of course, be utilized to publicize World Sound Healing Day, bringing an even greater audience together to sound an “Ah” filled with love and compassion to the Gaia Matrix-Mother Earth.
We thank you in advance for your support of World Sound Healing Day in whatever manner and fashion feels most appropriate to you.
Remember: we heal the planet, we heal ourselves. We heal ourselves and we heal the planet!
Blessings of Light & Love through Sound!
The Sound Healers Association &
The World Sound Healing Day Team
The World Sound Healing Day Team
Click The Button Below To
Donate to World Sound Healing Day
Via Paypal