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Tucson World Sound Healing Day Event

Tucson World Sound Healing Day Event

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Welcome all drummers, sound bowl owners, singers, hummers, chanters and all living things as we honor our vibrations and how they can change the world. We will meet at 5 pm at Ramada #3 by the Fort Lowell Duck Pond, Craycroft and Glenn Tucson AZ. 85712. All fees collected will be donated to Emerge abuse center to help others gain strength in difficult times. Let’s pay it forward for ourselves, for the world an all who need healing. Even if you come and join us and just chant Ahhhh or OM.  You will be helping yourself and all things. A 30 minute Sound Bath will begin at 5:30 pm and continue until 7 pm with everyone in attendance joining in to co-create, meet our community and enjoy joy in living in the moment.


Date And Time

Feb-14-2023 @ 05:00 PM (MST) to
Feb-14-2023 @ 07:00 PM (MST)

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