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Global Valentine

Global Valentine

373 373 people viewed this event.

I am looking forward to joining Sound Healers across the world for this Global Valentine to Danu, Mother Earth, aka Gaia. 

From our hearts we will send love outwards upon this sacred tone to Danu, our Celtic Mother Goddess, the spirit of Earth. She is known by many names in various cultures around the world. 

To raise vibration, to help to purify the water, the air, the earth, for peace, we will all join together at 12 mid day to tone AH, the sound of the heart.

It is such an honour to be part of this 20th annual Sonic Valentine celebration for Mother Earth. Thank you. 


Date And Time

Feb-14-2022 @ 12:00 PM (GMT) to
Feb-14-2022 @ 12:15 AM (GMT)


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