Beloved Hearts, on this upcoming World Sound Healing Day in 2024 (https://www.worldsoundhealingday.org/current-events), let’s get together. Open your hearts. Let’s sound Light, let’s sound Love. Accept with love the waves of harmonics of sound, love and light from the depths of the Heart, manifested as a light and sound video album “Breath of Love”. The Breath of Love, the breath of Sound, the breath of Light… Let’s create even greater harmony and peace within ourselves. And the more these conditions manifest themselves inside, – the brighter, more beautiful and more harmonious the life around will shine. We are the boundless orchestra of Divine Love, the Unity of Life. Let’s sound, shine from the inside with the most beautiful colors, light-tints and sounds, transforming our lives, emanating waves of harmony and love.
From heart to heart, we transmit these harmonious harmonies, accompanied by beautiful high-frequency paintings and crystalline patterns, paintings of light. Such a touch is an adjustment that can significantly accelerate your spiritual growth, open up and heal your heart even more. Let the sound codes in harmony with the light codes bring even more love, peace, healing to your hearts and blossom with beautiful fruits on our beautiful Planet.
With Love.