Anchoring Light for Humanity FREE Sound Healing Experience
Anchoring Light for Humanity Sound Healing Experience with Ben Carroll
LIVESTREAM: Sunday February 13, 2022, 4:00PM EST (GMT-5)
REPLAY: Through February 18th
You are invited to take part in a free sound healing experience on Sunday February 13, 2022. Our intention for this powerful sonic experience will be to anchor in light for all of humanity; to aid humanity in finding a harmonious state of resonance during this difficult and divided time.
We will start with a short guided meditation to help you to anchor the light into your body followed by a sacred sound meditation where that light will amplify and grow within you.
This year I set my intention to do my part, as much as I can, in helping humanity move into a more harmonious state of resonance. If we can shift the resonance of our interactions with each other, with our own bodies, and with our environment, we can change this world. Join me in anchoring light towards those intentions. (I’m going to make this a regular event…)
MORE INFO: https://bit.ly/02-13-22
See you there! 🙂
In Love & Gratitude,