144 Strings & a Didge
Join Mark Torgeson as he performs on Angel Harps tuned to Sacred Geometries, Didgeridoo, Shakuhachi, and a few more surprises!
Angel Harps are vintage autoharps converted and restored by Mark and then tuned to Sacred Geometry frequencies, specifically the Platonic Solids, which map to the elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Ether. As one entrains to these cosmic frequencies – building blocks of the universe – an atunement to the Cosmos transpires, and one is swept up on the wings of Angels!
Along with angel harps which generate lush washes of harmonics from 144 strings (a sacred number and the total vibratory patterning of four harps) Mark will also blend in the grounding presence of Didgeridoo, providing an earthy resonance bringing in a connection to the plant kingdom. This will be interspersed with solos on the Shakuhachi, a bamboo flute from the tradition of Zen Budhism in ancient Japan, where the goal of playing is to “acheive enlightenment with a single note.”
A teacher of Sound Healing, Mark is a lifelong performer on piano, synthesizer and scads of other celestial soundmakers. He has produced over 32 albums of transformational music and sound which have aired on all continents.
Mark has been playing with sound since forever. He loves everything that makes a noise and goes bump at night. His compulsive tendency is to explore the nuances of tone and follow that to its cosmic origins. Thus Sacred Geometry, Ethnic music, Audio Technology and sampling someone’s snoring are all fair game. But he still loves sitting in Silence and staring at his navel the best. His lifelong inquiry has been to understand what a falling leaf sounds like to a deaf person. He can often be found streamside below his house tuting shakuhachi and being scolded by squirrels.
Mark’s sites:
Work of the Global Light Centers – with Carol Fitzpatrick:
YouTube Channel: